Weekly Update - Week of 4/15/2024
Good afternoon everyone,
Here is your weekly update:
-Important Dates
Special note: NO BUS ON FRIDAY, APRIL 19
Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2024/04/important-dates-week-of-4152024.html
-School Health Update
While the cases of respiratory illness seem to be lightening up, we have a resurgent stomach bug that is beginning to circulate. Please note that if a child vomits at school, we will send them home, and they need to stay home until they are free of vomiting for 24 hours. If a child is sent home during the day due to illness, that day DOES NOT count toward their absence limit for the year.
-Divine Call News
This weekend, Mr. Chris Luebke received a Call, along with his wife, Katie, a teacher at Fox Valley Lutheran High School, to serve as a math teacher and department leader at Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School in Wauwatosa, WI. Mr. Luebke also serves as our vice principal. Please keep the Luebke family in your prayers as they deliberate where they may best serve the Lord in his kingdom; I know that I will personally be praying that they stay with us!
-Fast Direct Convenience Fees
This is a reminder that beginning May 1, the convenience fees for making online payments through Fast Direct will be added to those payments. For credit/debit cards, the fee is 3% of the transaction; for ACH/bank account transactions, the fee is a flat $1.05 per transaction. Cash/paper check payments will still be accepted in the office with no fee.
-Yearbook Ordering
Did you miss the deadline for ordering a yearbook? You can still order! The cost of the yearbook is now $16 and you are not able to update with add-ons, but there is still a small window to get your 2023-2024 yearbook! Visit the link below and enter EMANYB for the school code.
Link: www.harmann.com/ordering
-SCRIP Deadline Approaching
April 30th, 2024 is the end date for this year’s SCRIP period. If you haven’t purchased SCRIP recently, you might want to do that before the end of April. The new SCRIP year begins on May 1. SCRIP money will be paid out during the month of June. If you would like information on how the SCRIP program works, please call the office at 920-982-5444.
-Update on Jada in 4K
We're overjoyed to share that Jada Brauer, a 4K student from Emanuel, has received a life-saving liver transplant and is now recovering at home. While she's making good progress, Jada remains critically immunocompromised and will need to travel to Milwaukee for appointments a few times each week. To support her family during this challenging time, we're collecting gas gift cards to help ease the financial strain of frequent trips to the hospital. If you'd like to contribute, please drop off gift cards or financial donations at the office. Please continue to pray for strength and healing for Jada.
-Emanuel Financial Assistance for 2024-2025 School Year
Financial assistance is available through Emanuel for students attending Emanuel, FVLHS, MLC, WLC & Luther Prep next school year. The application can be completed online, with any additional information being sent to the Emanuel office in a sealed envelope marked “Financial Aid Committee”. The application form is available here. All completed applications are DUE BY JUNE 15, 2024. Please contact any member of the Financial Assistance Committee with any questions: Gloria Swedesky, Randy Schoenrock, and Sue Obertin, or you can call the school office.
-School District of New London Summer School
Registration for Summer School 2024 opens on Monday, April 15 at 8am. Links to course offerings and scheduling instructions will be sent to you on Monday morning. Please direct questions and concerns regarding registration to:
- Middle School: Josh Murnane 920-982-8532 ext. 2206
- Elementary: Danielle Kamba 920-982-8420 ext. 1123
-Hot Lunch Changes
The hot lunch menu has a few changes to note for this week. Option 2 switches to bagel and cream cheese on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This change has been made on the Google Lunch Menu Calendar, found using the link below.
-Fine Arts Fair Friday
You are all invited and encouraged to attend the Fine Arts Fair on Friday, April 19, from 5:30-7:30. This year, come for as long as you would like to see the students' artwork, hear some soloists on the stage, and create some art projects with your children.
As always, I pray you have a blessed week in God's grace!
In Christ,
Bill Fuerstenau, Principal