
Showing posts from April, 2022

LIE #5: “God Has Made Death a Natural Part of Life”

This lie about God is an interesting one. A person can understand why someone might want to believe it. If death is a natural part of life, then we should embrace it rather than run from it. However, this contradicts the human experience. The vast majority of people want to live and will go to every length and expense to eke out a few more moments here on this earth.  In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, the character named Yoda said, “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not.” In other words, “Get over it!” This lie is a coping mechanism for death. We will see that the Bible has a far better answer for death! Come, join us on Sunday, May 1 at 9:15 AM.

Boundary Waters Trip Info Meeting

On Thursday, April 21st at 7pm, the Men of the Outdoors will be holding an informational meeting about the 2022 Boundary Waters trips.  We will discuss both the June and August trips at this meeting.  The meeting will be held in the narthex at Emanuel.  If you are interested in attending the trips but can't make it to the meeting please contact Chris Doran

Easter JAM!

Thank you to everyone who came out for Easter JAM! We learned about Jesus' death and resurrection with 45 children and all their grown-ups. It was a great morning praising Jesus. Thank you to our church family for all of your generous support financially and through prayer. All the JAM!s are possible because you shine for Jesus! 

Emanuel Forensics Festival—Thursday, April 21, 5 PM

Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 21 beginning at 5:00 pm in the Emanuel Church Basement. We have students from grades 5-8 ready to showcase their God-given talents in public speaking. There will be snacks to celebrate the performances. If you would like to donate a snack, contact Mrs. D. Everyone is invited! (920-407-3000,

LIE #4: “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”

  Where did this lie come from? Is it in the Bible? No, but you will find a form of it in the Koran: “Indeed, Allah will not change the conditions of a population until they change what is in themselves” (Ar-Ra’d 13:11). This lie about God has its roots in pagan religion. Five hundred years before Christ, Aesop wrote, “The gods help them that help themselves.” Our current wording was used by the deist Ben Franklin, who said in Poor Richard’s Almanac, “God helps those who help themselves.” Satan often couches his lies in half-truths. We seek to expose this lie and to give an answer for the hope that we have!  Come, join us on Sunday, April 10 at 9:15 AM.

Pause, Ponder, and Remember with Us

Join us as we pause, ponder, and remember: Holy Thursday (formerly Maundy Thursday) Services with communion – 3:30pm & 7:00pm 3:30pm Facebook LiveStream / 7:00pm Radio Broadcast Good Friday Services with communion – 9:30am & 1:00pm Tenebrae Service (no communion) – 7:00pm 9:30am Facebook LiveStream & Radio Broadcast Easter Sunday Easter Sunrise – 6:00am (Facebook LiveStream) Easter Breakfast - Served in the church basement from 7-10 am Easter Festival – 8:00am & 10:30am 8:00am Facebook LiveStream / 9:00am Radio Broadcast  

Come to Easter JAM!

   We are so excited to announce that Easter JAM! is back and in the building!  This is a fabulous morning to focus our eyes on the amazing journey of our Savior through all the suffering to the most wonderful resurrection!  Come and join us for time with Jesus, crafting, snacking, and playing in the gym!  Invite your friends, neighbors, and family...and don't forget!  Older siblings are encouraged to join in all the fun! Easter JAM! is Saturday, April 9, from 9:00-11:00 am at Emanuel in the commons and gym! Hope to see you there!

LIE #3: “God Has Grown Softer on Sin”

Some people have a caricature of God in their minds. They see him as all law and fury in the Old Testament but all gospel and fuzzies in the New Testament. People believe that God has grown softer on sin. If this lie stands, it could destroy souls. This lesson will seek to debunk this lie and give us an answer to those who believe it.  Come, join us on Sunday, April 3 at 9:15 AM.