Your Help is Needed - April 1, 2 & 3
Emanuel will have three days to remove all the items from the sanctuary and narthex for Miron Construction to begin their work. These will be critical work days requiring many volunteers. We will have jobs from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. each day until we have finished. Please call the Emanuel office to sign up (920-982-5444). We will plan our workload each day based on how many volunteers we have.
The following items need to be completed within three days:
- Removal of all items in the narthex and church balcony (going into storage or relocated on campus)
- Removal of altar, lectern, and pulpit
- Removal of all church pews
- Removal of current organ and pianos
The balance of the week will consist of Miron setting up their worksite in the north parking lot, covering the stained glass windows to protect them, and setting up a perimeter fence around the church.
Thank you in advance for your help.