Weekly Update - Week of 3/11/2024
Good afternoon everyone,
Happy spring break! Hopefully, you can take some time as a family to recharge for the push to the end of the school year. Here is your update for the coming week:
-Important Dates
NO SCHOOL 3/11-3/15, but please join us for the Lutheran Ceili Orchestra in our 8:00 and 10:30 worship services tomorrow! We also will still have midweek Lenten worship on Wednesday, March 13, at 3:30 and 7:00 with a meal in between.
-School Health
We have two major illnesses that the student body was grappling with heading into spring break. First, we have what appears to be strep throat that is at least somewhat resistant to some antibiotics. Several students have either gone through a course of antibiotics and continued to have symptoms, or have redeveloped symptoms shortly after finishing the medication. Secondly, we also seem to have cases of viral pink eye, which obviously will not be affected by antibiotics. Our hope is that the week off from school will allow these two illnesses to run their course and that we will not have them hanging around when we return to school.
-Yearbook Ordering
If you are planning to order an Emanuel Yearbook this year, don't wait too long! After March 15, the price will increase and personalized upgrades will no longer be available. To order, simply go to www.harmann.com/ordering and use the code "EMANYB."
-Butter Braids
Keep selling those Butter Braids! If you need the link for your child's online store re-sent to your email address, let me know. Remember, paper order forms along with payment are due on Monday, March 18, by the end of the school day.
-Fast Direct Account Balances
As we enter the home stretch of the school year, please make sure you are checking the balances of your Fast Direct accounts. All negative balances, including tuition and lunch, should be paid in full by the end of the school year. If you have questions about your account, don't hesitate to contact the school office.
-School Board Minutes
Minutes from Thursday's School Board meeting will be available shortly; I am awaiting a review and approval from the School Board members. They will be sent out as soon as I have that approval.
-Divine Call Received
Last week Sunday, I received a Call to serve as principal at St. John's Lutheran School in Baraboo, WI. I would very much appreciate your prayers as my family deliberates where we can best serve in God's kingdom.
I pray you all have a safe and enjoyable spring break; see you back in school on March 18!
In Christ,
Bill Fuerstenau, Principal