Celebrating Confirmation in the Commons: A Special Service for Our Youth!
As Confirmation Day approaches, we want to provide you with a few important updates for this special day.
Starting April 1, our sanctuary begins to undergo renovation. This means we need to be flexible in how we celebrate confirmation this year. We will not be able to hold our Confirmation service in the sanctuary. We will move it to the commons, which will already be set up for worship starting in April. We will still have pictures, gowns, flowers, and the rite of confirmation as we always have.
The examination of the students will take place as usual. Students from Emanuel Lutheran School will be examined on Tuesday, April 30 at 6:30 PM. PSI students will have their examination service on Wednesday, May 1, at 6:30 PM. Both these services will take place in the commons. Confirmation will take place on Sunday, May 5. However, to accommodate the larger crowds expected for this service, we are having a special confirmation service at 1:00 PM. This will be a combined service for all students of Emanuel Lutheran School and our PSI students. In addition to having the rite of confirmation, all confirmands will receive their first communion. Even though things will be different, one thing remains the same. It does not matter whether we are in a church, a school commons, or anywhere else. We still have the most important part of the Confirmation Day. The confirmands profess their faith in God and promise to remain faithful and true to his Word. Our prayer continues to be, as for all in our congregation, that God would hold these young men and women close, as they come to hear God’s Word and partake of the Lord’s Supper.We thank you for your understanding and flexibility in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to one of us.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Seth Dorn
Pastor Mark Tiefel
Pastor Marcus Schulz
Pastor Bill Heiges
Mr. Jack Vande Guchte