Weekly Update - Week of 2/26/2024
Good evening everyone,
I pray you are all doing well and are enjoying the weekend. Here is your update for the coming week:
-Important Dates
Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2024/02/important-dates-week-of-2262024.html
-School Health Update
Our population continues to struggle with influenza, strep, and other respiratory illnesses. I have not run an attendance report in about a month because of how many students have been sick, so if you have any doctor's notes for your children to excuse them from absences, please send those in ASAP so that those absences can be excluded from my count. Remember, you can also retroactively ask most doctors for notes if you had a visit with them.
-Sports Pictures Tuesday
Harmann will return to our building this week to take pictures of our athletes. Ordering information will come home with your students that day.
With sports pictures taking place on Tuesday, we ask that all athletes make sure all uniforms are returned on Monday so that we can organize them for pictures.
Everyone who ordered a class composite picture will receive it on Tuesday as well.
Yearbooks are available now for ordering. The price has increased slightly because we added a number of new pages. Click the link below and enter the code "EMANYB" to order your yearbook now through March 15.
Link: www.harmann.com/ordering
-FVL Musical
All students in grades 1-8 will head to FVL to see the musical, "Mary Poppins," on Wednesday this week. We are excited for our students to enjoy the talents of their high school peers!
-Butter Braids
You all should have received a link to your child's online store for selling Butter Braids. If you have multiple children at Emanuel, you will receive an individual link for all of them. You can either promote just one of them (since the prize baskets will be given to family units, not individual students), or you can use all of them separately. Either way, all of your Butter Braids will be grouped together for pickup. If you receive orders on your paper order form, all payments should be either cash or checks made out to "Emanuel Lutheran School." Those paper order forms and all payments must be dropped off in the school office on or before Monday, March 18. Don't forget, you can sample the delicious Butter Braids between services tomorrow at Emanuel!
-Kindergarten/1st Singing
We are excited to have our Kindergarten and 1st grade students singing in our 10:30 church service tomorrow. What a blessing for your children to serve their Savior!
-No Bus Week of March 4
This is still a week away, but if you are a bus family, remember that there is NO BUS the entire week of March 4. The public district has Spring Break that week, so please plan accordingly.
-Spring Break Coming Soon
Emanuel's Spring Break is March 11-15, so there will be NO SCHOOL OR TIGER CUB CARE that entire week.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I hope to see you Sunday!
In Christ,
Bill Fuerstenau, Principal