Weekly Update - Week of 2/19/2024

Here is your update for the upcoming week:

-Tiger Cub Care Sign-up

Time to sign up and into March already! Please enter all the care needed for the timeframe February 26-March 8. Remember, there is no bus the entire week of March 4-8.

Link: docs.google.com/document/d/1V5qByRQ5Llk5vS8bPqUupoGdmngW2G7_f2TFHaDdNls/edit

-Important Dates

Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2024/02/important-dates-week-of-2192024.html

-School Health

Our student body and staff continue to battle late winter illnesses, primarily influenza. It is very important that you keep your children home until they are fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours; this influenza strain seems to last 3-4 days with a fairly high fever in most people.

-Butter Braids Coming Soon

Our annual Butter Braid fundraiser will kick off on Friday, February 23, and will run through Monday, March 18. Samples of the pastries will be available in the coffee nook between church services on Sunday, February 25. These delicious pastries are perfect for your Easter breakfast and come conveniently frozen for long-term storage. Selling them is a piece of cake too: Each student will receive a paper order form, and all parents will get an online store link to share via social media. Orders come pre-sorted by the seller and will be ready to pick up in the Commons on March 26. The family units with the top two amounts of sales will win an awesome prize basket, which can be previewed in Mrs. Lodewegen's office right now! All proceeds from the Butter Braid fundraiser support our athletics programs at Emanuel.

-Divine Call Update

Call season will be winding down in the next two months. At Emanuel, the leadership issued a Call to Miss Heidi Moldenhauer to teach 4th grade next year. Miss Moldenhauer is currently serving in Palm Coast, Florida, teaching 3rd grade. If you would like to reach out to her to encourage her, contact me and I will put you in touch. Mrs. Anna Laabs has decided to accept the Call extended to her by Emanuel to serve as our Guided Studies administrator, replacing Mrs. Abby Zuberbier, who will be transitioning to a new Call in Minnesota. We thank God that he led Mrs. Laabs to join us in this position!

-AMVETS Coloring Contest

The AMVETS coloring and poster contest is accepting entries for their 2024 contest. Last year we had two students receive prizes for their entries as well as a student who made it up to the national level! We hope that we have many Emanuel students submitting their projects this year! Students received the information and entry form at school but if you would like more information, please reach out to the office for another copy. Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade are invited to do the coloring contest and students in 2nd-5th grade are invited to do the poster contest. Rules and enrollment forms are available in the office. The posters are due to the office at 8 AM on February 26th.

-Lenten Supper Thank-You

Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the Lenten supper! What a great night of fellowship, food, and fun all surrounded by Jesus!

-Musical Rehearsals

Musical rehearsals start this Thursday, Feb. 22, with a watch party in the music room. We’ll provide pizza and snacks. Kids can bring pillows, blankets, or extra food to enjoy as we watch the movie and take character notes. The rehearsal schedule for Feb-March is posted in the Commons and on the school calendar.

-WSMA Solo & Ensemble

Solo & Ensemble competition is this Saturday at Waupaca HS. We wish God’s blessings to the Emanuel 7-8th grade musicians who have prepared band and vocal solos to perform for judges. Details have been sent out to participating families. Reach out to Mrs. Tiefel with any questions.

In Christ,

Bill Fuerstenau, Principal