Weekly Update - Week of 1/29/2024

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all staying dry today; I can't remember such up-and-down weather in January! Here is your update for the coming week:

-Students Singing Sunday

Grades 2-4 families, do not forget that your students sing in the 10:30 am church service at Emanuel on Sunday!

-Important Dates

Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2024/01/important-dates-week-of-1292024.html

-School Health Update

We have a strange stomach bug going around; I have first-hand knowledge of it since I have been home with two of my kids this week! Symptoms are simply complaining of stomach pain, followed by vomiting for about half a day, and no fever. If your child is not themselves and is complaining of stomach pain, keep an eye on them. We also continue to have cases of influenza and other respiratory illnesses.


This is not for next week, but is one more plug for the renovation work day on Saturday, 1/27 starting at 8:00. We need able-bodied people to haul demolished materials out of the church basement and either onto trailers or into the large dumpster behind the building. Please consider taking this service opportunity, whether you are an Emanuel church member or not, to thank a congregation that has supported your school for many years.

-Hot Lunch Menu

The February/March lunch menu is available on Fast Direct under LINKS and it is available on the school Google Calendar, found by visiting www.emanuelnl.org/els-calendars.

-2023 Tax Information

Tax forms will be sent in the mail this next week. If you are a church family, then your giving statement will also be included with your paperwork. Your envelope will include the taxable payments made to the school in 2023, the tax forms applicable, along with a current account statement.

-2024/2025 School Calendar

If you have yet to see it, here is a link to next school year's calendar. Please make note of the summer dates, start dates, and major breaks for your family's planning purposes.

Link: drive.google.com/file/d/1swKqHqt3GkIzvV0B0ZyAqyy3C4JCXlXT/view?usp=drive_link

I pray you have a healthy, restful weekend; see you Sunday!

In Christ,

Bill Fuerstenau, Principal