Weekly Update - Week of 1/22/2024
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are looking forward to the forecasted warm-up as much as we are; it will be great to have a full week of outside recess! Here is your update for the week:
-Tiger Cub Care Sign-Up
Time keeps flying by; it's another sign-up week! Please enter all care for the weeks 1/29-2/7. Keep in mind there is no school Thursday and Friday, February 8 and 9.
Sign-up link: docs.google.com/document/d/1V5qByRQ5Llk5vS8bPqUupoGdmngW2G7_f2TFHaDdNls/edit?usp=drivesdk
-Important Dates
Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2024/01/important-dates-week-of-1222024.html
-School Health Update
We continue to have positive cases of influenza A here and there in school, so continue to monitor for flu-like symptoms. It seems that this strain includes a fairly high fever as well as a lingering cough and chest congestion.
-Home Basketball Game Reminders
We love hosting games at Emanuel and watching our students and families represent their Savior publicly. Please remember these few items for home game days. First, students cannot wait around on campus after school until games start unless they have a responsible adult with them, such as a coach. If students are left unattended after school, they will be put into Tiger Cub Care and your account will be charged accordingly. Second, please make sure your children are supervised during the games. We cannot have children running from the gym to the Commons and back again constantly while play is happening, especially on the end of the court where play is taking place or during free throws; it is distracting to the players and referees. Finally, remember that only water and popcorn are allowed in the gym; spills of anything else on the bleachers or gym floor are not always easily cleaned up and are avoidable if that food/drink stays in the Commons.
-92.3 Frog Country Broadcast
Lutheran Schools Week is coming up this week, and once again, 92.3 Frog Country will be broadcasting live from our school Commons on Tuesday, 1/23, from 11:00-1:00. I am looking for one or two Emanuel parents that would be willing to do a 2-3 minute live interview with Jay Cruz, the radio personality, on why you choose to send your children to Emanuel. If you are interested, please reach out to me directly and I will be happy to schedule a spot for you.
-4th-Grade Divine Call
As you may or may not know, we currently have a Call issued to Mr. Joel Putz, serving in Manitowoc, to come to Emanuel as our 4th-grade teacher next year. If you would like to reach out to Mr. Putz and encourage him as he deliberates where he may best use his gifts in God's kingdom, you can send him an email at: jputz@ilutheran.org
-Renovation Help Needed
We are moving forward quickly on Emanuel's church renovation project, and we need your help! Part of the cost savings on construction is being able to do a lot of the demolition work ourselves using volunteers. We have a lot of Emanuel members that are working on it, but many of them are not as young as they used to be. I am personally asking all of you, Emanuel school family, to consider helping out, even if you are not members of our church body. Twenty years ago, our congregation showed their dedication and support for your school by building an entirely new building, where Emanuel church members and non-members could send their children to receive a high-quality, Christ-centered education. I believe it is time for us to return the favor by doing what we can to give the largest classroom on our campus, our beautiful church building, a much-needed refresh. If you would like to help out, there will be a "demolition day" this coming Saturday, 1/27, beginning at 8:00. You can also contact our office to see where your skills and muscles could be used.
-Teacher Appreciation Lunch
January 23rd is the next Teacher Appreciation meal provided to our teachers. We are looking for volunteers to monitor the lunchroom so teachers can enjoy a lunch break together. If you are interested in volunteering during lunch, please contact Kim Lodewegen in the office. Volunteers are needed from 10:50 until 12:20 and we ask that you monitor classrooms during their lunch period until their teachers return from eating.
-2023 Tax Information
Tax forms will be sent in the mail this week. If you are a church family, then your giving statement will also be included with your paperwork. Your envelope will include the taxable payments made to the school in 2023, the tax forms applicable, along with a current account statement.
-2024/2025 School Calendar
The calendar for next year is officially approved! First/last days of school, major breaks, and dates for school events are set. Event start times may be subject to change. Please consider this calendar as you begin to plan family vacations and important medical appointments for next year.
Calendar link: drive.google.com/file/d/1swKqHqt3GkIzvV0B0ZyAqyy3C4JCXlXT/view?usp=sharing
As always, please contact me with any ideas/concerns/questions. Also, keep an eye out for another message from me tonight when report cards are available.
In Christ,
Bill Fuerstenau, Principal