Wellness for the Glory of God - Book Review

This book review will be held on November 7, 14, 21 & 28 (Tuesdays) from 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Wellness for the Glory of God is a Christian book written by Dr. John Dunlop, a family physician, to help adults grow old gracefully and maintain their complete health to better serve and glorify God. The book defines wellness and includes chapters on Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Wellness, Financial Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, and Emotional Wellness. During this four-week session, we will study and review each chapter from the perspective of two healthcare professionals, Donn Fuhrmann, MD, and his wife, Audrey Fuhrmann, RN. We will have appropriate discussions with questions and answers, and we will encourage people to make healthy changes in their lifestyles. Recommended for 50+ year olds, but open to anyone. We recommend that you read the book before class. Call the Emanuel office at 920-982-5444 to register.

Leader: Donn Furhmann MD; Location: Community Room