Weekly Update - Week of 10/2/2023

I pray you are enjoying the beautiful weather God has given us this weekend! Here is your update for the week ahead:

-Important Dates for the Week

Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2023/09/important-dates-week-of-1022023.html

-School Health Update

As the special message sent out last week stated, health is something to watch right now. Strep throat is still around, which has been showing up with a high fever and throat pain/headache. Stomach viruses seem to have resolved for now, but hand, foot, and mouth disease is still in the building. It is a very contagious virus, so it will likely show up in every classroom, especially the younger grades. Look for a rash on the hands and feet, and possibly sores around or inside of the mouth. Students only need to be kept home if they have a fever or if they are not feeling well enough to attend school. You can find more information here: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/hand-foot-mouth.htm

-Pizza Fundraiser Volunteers Needed

Emanuel's pizza fundraiser is on the horizon! If you are new and have not taken part in this amazing event, talk with another Emanuel family to see what it's about. We have a blast making pizzas together and raising funds for our school! This fundraiser takes over 200 volunteers to be successful, so sign up now to secure the spot you want. Click the link below to find the sign-up for November 4. Oh yeah, and keep selling those delicious pizzas!

Link: www.signupgenius.com/go/805084CAAA623AAF94-pizza2#/

-Rodrigue Divine Call

As you may or may not have heard, Mrs. Emily Rodrigue, our first-grade teacher, is married to one of our local pastors, Pastor Kenny Rodrigue. Pastor Rodrigue received a Call to serve a congregation in Burlington, WI, about a month ago. After careful consideration and a lot of prayer, he has decided to accept that Call. What does this mean for Emanuel? We will be saying "goodbye" to Mrs. Rodrigue at Thanksgiving time. Your school leadership is busy working on finding someone to step into that position for the remainder of the school year. Please take the time to let Mrs. Rodrigue know what a blessing she has been to all of us at Emanuel, and keep her and Pastor Rodrigue in your prayers as they transition to serving a new congregation.

-Grandparents' Day

Grandparents’ Day is coming! Mark your calendars for October 20! All grandparents are invited to Emanuel for this fabulous half-day of school. This is an opportunity to demonstrate to our grandparents all of the blessings the Lord bestows upon us through our amazing school! Paper invitations will be available beginning Monday, coming home with your students. Electronic links are included below.

Polka Dot Invite: drive.google.com/file/d/14WpXfuonkhMQUlAGN0jNZwipPkGY7aRJ/view?usp=sharing

Coloring Invite: drive.google.com/file/d/1lHxC6VRQR2mpc8YEY6s0Yl0rb9mnzuhE/view?usp=sharing

Information Page: docs.google.com/document/d/1EocI9bEZ1Cjm2ww_O-OpgesqfiTKqhM46ga08JsP0ec/edit?usp=sharing

-Note from PreK

Check out our leaf rubbings in the entryway of Door 4!

-Note from 2nd Grade

It’s MAP testing week! Please make sure your child is getting quality sleep and eating a healthy breakfast so they are ready to take the tests.

As always, please contact me with any thoughts, questions, concerns, or ideas. Have a blessed rest of your weekend!

In Christ,

Bill Fuerstenau, Principal