Weekly Update - Week of 9/25
-Tiger Cub Care Sign-Up
It’s time to sign up for the next two-week period! If you need care for the time frame 10/2-13/2023, please use sign-up genius #4. The sign-up geniuses for the rest of the year are available as well! Thank you to all who sign up promptly!
Link: docs.google.com/document/d/1V5qByRQ5Llk5vS8bPqUupoGdmngW2G7_f2TFHaDdNls/edit?usp=sharing
-Important Dates for the Week
Link: emanueltigertalk.blogspot.com/2023/09/important-dates-week-of-9252023.html
-School Health Update
We continue to see cases of strep throat and other viral infections that cause extended fevers. The stomach illnesses seem to have run their course for now. Please continue to keep an eye out for temps over 100.4 degrees.
-MAP Testing
Grades Kindergarten-8th will be taking their first round of MAP testing over the next two weeks. We ask that all students work extra hard at getting a good night's sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast for those testing days.
-Tiger Gruel Volunteers Needed
Emanuel hosts the "Tiger Gruel" cross country meet at Hatten Park every year, and it's coming up on Monday, October 2nd! Running a cross-country meet requires a number of volunteers, and we are looking for your help, especially if you are a cross-country parent. Follow the link below to see the different positions that are available, and consider serving your school in a way that is a limited-time commitment!
Link: www.signupgenius.com/go/805084CAAA623AAF94-tiger3#/
-Pizza Fundraiser Time
It's that time of year again! Emanuel will be making our famous homemade pizzas, and we need all of you to get the word out. Your children should have brought home an informational letter (also attached to this message) and two order forms. The most important aspect of the fundraiser is that we need YOU to volunteer to help on November 4th! Follow the link below to see the Sign-Up Genius and consider filling a spot; we need a large number of people to pull this fundraiser off. If you aren't sure about it, talk to your fellow Emanuel parents. Making the pizzas together is a blast!
Link: www.signupgenius.com/go/805084CAAA623AAF94-pizza2#/
-Youth Group Begins
Crossroads Youth Group will meet for the first time on Wednesday, September 27th, at 7:00. Please note that students will NOT be allowed to stay after school in the building as we do not have adult supervision for them until 7:00 when Crossroads meets. Plan accordingly and make sure your 5th-8th grader knows where to go.
-Note from PreK
We were learning about construction and destruction! Check out our excavator creations at the entry of Door 4!
-Note from 2nd Grade
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Fall service project and helped with this event! Over 100 tulip and daffodil bulbs were planted around the school! We look forward to springtime to see the flowers in bloom.
In Christ,
Bill Fuerstenau, Principal