New Sermon Series: "Until I'm Home With You"


This November begins a new three-week sermon series on the very important topic of HEAVEN. 

As Christians who look forward to heaven, we often wonder about what to expect when we die or what our loved ones who have died are experiencing now. 

This series is based on a new hymn from our hymnal, "When Will I Walk" and highlights three important themes of All Saints' Sunday, Last Judgment Sunday, and Christ the King Sunday. 

Join us for all three weeks as we look at each verse of the hymn:

When will I walk the shining streets of gold
Which lie behind the massive gates of pearl
Where saints triumphant live in bliss untold
And all around the alleluias swirl?
My days, O Lord, are trouble-filled and few,
and I'm not home until I'm home with you.

When will I wear the robe of brilliant white
And raise aloft the victor's branch of palm,
Where long-forgotten is the noble fight
And glassy seas betray a perfect calm?
My days, O Lord, are trouble-filled and few,
and I'm not home until I'm home with you.

When will I win what Jesus won for me--
A paradise of restful, wondrous peace,
Where day is bright and night will never be,
And joyfulness will evermore increase?
My days, O Lord, are trouble-filled and few,
and I'm not home until I'm home with you.