Mid-Week Bible Classes Continue at Emanuel
Did you know that Emanuel offers several classes throughout the week where you can connect with others, be encouraged, and grow in your faith? It's not too late to join any of our mid-week Bible classes - hope to see you this week!
"STARTING POINT" (Tuesdays @ 6-7:15pm, church) Pastor Schulz leads this Bible basics course which is great for new and long-time members alike. This class is also available virtually on our website.
"SERVING CHRIST" (Wednesdays @ 7-8:30pm, school) Pastor Heiges leads this study of the unique gifts God has given us and how we can use them to his glory.
"MEN'S BIBLE STUDY" (Wednesdays @ 7:15pm, Community Room) A three-week men's study begins tonight, connecting themes of hunting and fishing with lessons from the Word.
"BIBLE BREAKFAST" (Thursdays @ 6:30am, Marly's) Pastor Heiges spends an hour discussing books of the Bible, followed by breakfast and fellowship.