
Showing posts from November, 2024

Anticipating Worship: Last Sunday of the Church Year, November 24, 2024—Live a Life Faithful to Your King

Followers of Christ are subjects of the King. It may seem obvious to assert that Jesus is no ordinary king, but it is important for us to remember exactly how he rules. As it was in his day, still today the world is eager to deny that he is any sort of king. Some acclaim him as a great prophet, but not the God who reigns. Others acknowledge him to be an enlightened teacher or a useful role model while refusing to offer him total allegiance in life and faith. Even Christians can struggle with the kind of King that he truly is. We often want a king who would be more politically powerful or a paragon of worldly success. But that isn't the kind of King we see today! As the church year comes to a close, Jesus confirms that his kingship is both real and at the same time distinct from any other kind of rule. Jesus stands before Pontius Pilate and demonstrates authority through his own suffering. He stands against the rulers of this world and reminds us of his universal reign. King Jesus, ...

Anticipating Worship: Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost, November 17, 2024—LIVE FREE FROM THE FEAR OF JUDGMENT

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) affects many millions of adults. It is more than shyness. SAD includes an acute fear of being judged. An individual with SAD struggles with everyday tasks like talking to people at work or school because he is terrified that he is constantly being evaluated. Even if you don’t have that disorder, perhaps you have experienced that uncomfortable feeling that others are watching you, trying to find something to criticize. We don’t want others judging us. It is bad enough listening to the voice inside our own head, whispering that we aren’t worthy. How do we overcome the fear of judgment? It begins by realizing that there is only one person whose opinion ultimately matters—the Judge. Everyone is going to live forever in one of two very different places. Where you spend eternity depends on a judgment that Jesus will render. This week we see why his judgment need not trigger any sort of anxiety. Judgment day is something we can joyfully anticipate. We can live fr...

Men of the Outdoors Breakfast Chat

Men of the Outdoors will host a Breakfast Chat on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 8:30 AM at Marly’s restaurant. Various hunting seasons are open and the whitetail season is just around the corner, both would be good topics for discussion. You are welcome to share any outdoor story you have and are encouraged to bring pictures to share. Plan to eat breakfast at Marly’s.  

Thank You, Veterans!


Celebrate with Us! Dedication Weekend, Dec. 7 & 8

Emanuel Lutheran Church is excited to announce our Dedication Weekend on December 7 and 8 to celebrate the completion of our recent building renovations and to dedicate the spaces to the glory of God. Everyone is welcome. The RSVP deadline is November 18.   ALL THE DETAILS AND RSVP

Anticipating Worship: Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, November 10, 2024—LIVE A LIFE OF STARTLING GENEROSITY

Perhaps you have heard the axiom, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” In other words, while you still can, use what you have in order to enjoy life to the fullest. If this life is all there is, St. Paul agrees that would be a good philosophy. Paul wrote, “If the dead are not raised, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die’” (1 Corinthians 15:32). However, note the “if.” Paul was saying that the epicurean approach to life makes sense only if this life is all we have. But it isn’t. Jesus will raise us from the dead and take us to live in his home, a place of perfect comfort and beauty. Knowing that, we are set free from the need to live a self-indulgent life now. Instead, we can be generous people, using the wealth that God has given us to serve both him and others. We can live a life of startling generosity. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. • Sunday at 10:30 a.m. **Please remember that during renovation, worship is held in...

Have you heard the exciting news?

Have you heard the exciting news? Emanuel now has its very own app – Realm Connect! Why an App? We know many of you already love our website, but wouldn't it be great to have all that information more conveniently at your fingertips? With the Realm Connect app, you can access everything you love about Emanuel Lutheran on your mobile device, computer, or tablet. What Can You Do with Realm Connect? Stay In the Know: Get the latest church news, announcements, and upcoming events delivered straight to your device. Connect with Others: Find and connect with fellow church members, fostering a vibrant online community. Sign Up to Volunteer: Easily see volunteer opportunities and sign up for those that fit your interests and schedule. Access Resources: Find important church resources and materials at your convenience. Getting Started is Easy! Simply visit for your next steps. Realm Connect: Your Digital Hub for Emanuel! We're excited to see you connect with our com...

Anticipating Worship: All Saints’ Day observed, November 3, 2024—LIVE KNOWING LIFE ONLY GETS BETTER

“It will get better.” We say that to try to comfort someone who is having a bad day (or maybe a whole string of bad days). Perhaps tomorrow will be better. But perhaps it’s worse. In this life, there really are no guarantees that things will get better. That isn’t the case with the life that is to come. That life isn’t just going to be better. It will be perfect. Since the seventh century, Christians have marked a day to celebrate those who have died in faith and now realize the perfect joys of heaven. It is called “All Saints’ Day.” We thank God for bringing our Christian loved ones out of the troubles and turmoil of this world and into eternal bliss and glory. And we ask God to preserve us in our faith so that we might one day join the saints in that place where life is far more than better. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. • Sunday at 10:30 a.m. **Please remember that during renovation, worship is held in the school commons. If you ha...