
Showing posts from December, 2023

Paul, The Faithful Proclaimer - Bible Study Opportunity

Join us as we focus on the Apostle Paul and his proclamation of the gospel message during his missionary travels. We will examine various techniques Paul used, and how those techniques can help us in our mission efforts. This class will be held in the church basement between services on Sundays. January 7--A Proclaimer Content to Let the Word Work January 14--A Proclaimer Making The Unknown Known January 21--No Class/Voter's Meeting January 28--A Proclaimer Following Orders February 4--A Proclaimer Facing Hardships February 11--A Proclaimer With A Pastor's Heart February 18--A Proclaimer Imprisoned

Coming This Weekend: PEACE ON EARTH

On Christmas Eve a choir of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” So, where is this peace on earth? Between nations? There are always wars going on somewhere. In our country? Disagreements have only grown more contentious, one group screaming angrily at another group. We might not even have perfect peace in our homes! So, what were the angels singing about? They were singing about peace between a holy God who hates sin and human beings who sin every day. Because of what Christ did as our Savior, there is no hostility between us and God, only peace and love. We have the peace of salvation in our hearts. As we draw near the end of life, like elderly Simeon or Anna, we have the peace of knowing the glorious eternal life that is to come. As this peace with God fills our hearts, it moves us to live in peace with each other too. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ...

Christmas Day Festival Service: December 25, 9:30 a.m.

Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Day: Good News of Great Joy, God Became Man How can an omnipresent God be held in his mother’s arms? How can an all-powerful God be too weak to walk? This is the mystery of the incarnation—that God took on human flesh. We cannot understand how it can be so. But the Spirit enables us to grasp that this incomprehensible truth is very good news. This is the Savior we need! As true man, he was born under God’s law, all the commandments that we have broken. Where we have failed, Jesus was perfect. As true God, when he laid down his perfect life, it was a sacrifice valuable enough to pay for the sins of the world, so that we might be adopted as God’s children. Christmas Day fills us with wonder—that the Creator God could become flesh and dwell among us and that, in his great love for us, he would do such a thing. Let us marvel at this good news of great joy!  Join us on Monday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day at 9:30 a.m.

Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: December 24, 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.

Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: Good News of Great Joy, A Savior Has Been Born “I bring you good news of great joy... A Savior has been born.” Think of what the angel’s statement means. If you believe you are basically a decent person—not perfect, but good enough—you can still enjoy the carols and appreciate the pretty lights. You can still relish giving presents and gathering with family. But you will not have “great joy” this Christmas. The angel said that the “good news of great joy” was the fact that “a Savior has been born.” One cannot truly celebrate Christmas unless one believes he needs salvation. Let us then use this night to acknowledge that we aren’t good enough people in God’s eyes. Sin lives in our hearts and permeates our lives. We need to be saved—from the guilt of that sin, from the power of the devil, and from eternal death. So, Jesus came to do just that—save us. So great was his love for us, that he left the throne of heaven,...

GriefShare Grief & Loss Support Group

Navigating the challenges of grief? Join our GriefShare support group – a caring space where understanding hearts gather. Over 13 weeks, you'll explore the journey of grief, finding guidance for the days ahead and discovering the "normal" in grief's unpredictability. No fixed stages, just practical coping strategies, and unwavering support. Sessions are self-contained, welcoming new participants anytime. We meet Tuesdays from February 6 to April 30, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., in the Community Room. Seek comfort and support with GriefShare.

Welcome, Miss Ruth Gehring, our new First Grade Teacher

Praise God! Emanuel has been assigned a mid-year graduate from Martin Luther College to fill our first-grade classroom vacancy. Miss Ruth Gehring will start with students right away on January 3, 2024. Please join us in welcoming her to Emanuel at an installation service on Sunday, January 7 at 8:00 a.m. We will greet Ruth with a cupcake reception after the service. Boxes for welcome cards and gifts will also be provided. May God bless her ministry among us! A huge thank you to Vickie Much for serving as our first-grade long-term sub. We really appreciate having Mrs. Much here to fill our gap since the Thanksgiving break.

Join Us for Special Christmas Worship Services

It's not too late to invite those people you care about. We have six special worship opportunities this Sunday and Monday. Why not invite your friends and family members to join you in worshipping the King? We even have invitations you can give them. Look for the cards below in our narthex and office, or ask an usher for a few to share. View and print your own if you are adventurous! Please note there are no Saturday evening, Sunday morning, or Monday evening services this weekend. View our Invitation

Advent Evening Devotion - Wednesday, Dec 20, 7 PM

Join us for a peaceful Advent journey every Wednesday in December at 7:00 p.m. We'll gather to explore the true meaning of this season and prepare our hearts for Christmas. It's a serene and special time for reflection and prayer. Theme: "The Dear Christ Enters In...To Aging Eyes that Need Light - Luke 2:27-32 Don't miss this opportunity to find peace and meaning in this Advent season with us. 

Men Of The Outdoors Bible Study: Pursuit of Biblical Manhood Coming in 2024

Join us for our four-week study of Biblical Manhood. We will explore the topics of identity, servanthood, character, and responsibility. We will also apply this study to traits of men who have a passion for the outdoors. We will meet at 9:15 a.m. in the Community Room. Classes run January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024.

Meant For Good: A Study of Joseph—Bible Study for Women

In this eight-week study, you will look closely at Joseph's character, faithfulness, patience, and forgiveness. God forged in him strength, resourcefulness, and tenacity. Joseph's life reflected the Gospel themes of goodness, provision, and God's covenant promise for the faithful. The study will be held in our Community Room. Jen Schmitt will lead this study. Please pre-register by contacting the church office.  

Forward Project Update: December 15 - “Bids Accepted!”

This past week, the bid packages that we received at the beginning of December were shared with Emanuel’s membership and reviewed by our leadership. More than fifty people attended an open forum in which the final scope of the project was presented along with the bid pricing from our general contractor and subcontractors. We are on schedule and under budget. The response has been very positive. It’s time to begin.  Bid packages were presented to the Emanuel Coordinating Council, which authorized our Trustees to initiate contracts for construction to begin the week of April 1.  In the coming weeks, we’ll be scheduling a number of volunteer work days, allowing us to complete several self-work tasks before contract construction begins.  A summary of our project scope and pricing is available in the narthex. There’s also a great deal more information available online:  

Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: December 24, 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.

Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: Good News of Great Joy, A Savior Has Been Born “I bring you good news of great joy... A Savior has been born.” Think of what the angel’s statement means. If you believe you are basically a decent person—not perfect, but good enough—you can still enjoy the carols and appreciate the pretty lights. You can still relish giving presents and gathering with family. But you will not have “great joy” this Christmas. The angel said that the “good news of great joy” was the fact that “a Savior has been born.” One cannot truly celebrate Christmas unless one believes he needs salvation. Let us then use this night to acknowledge that we aren’t good enough people in God’s eyes. Sin lives in our hearts and permeates our lives. We need to be saved—from the guilt of that sin, from the power of the devil, and from eternal death. So, Jesus came to do just that—save us. So great was his love for us, that he left the throne of heaven,...


The historic Christian Church gave Latin titles to each Sunday. They titled the Third Sunday in Advent “Gaudete,” which means “Rejoice!” As we reach the midway point of Advent, we remember that when the King shall come, he will bring us perfect and everlasting joy.  Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Happiness is an emotion. Joyfulness is a condition. Happiness comes from your circumstances. Joyfulness comes from your King entering into your heart and assuring you of his abiding love and your glorious future. Therefore, happiness is fleeting. Joyfulness is enduring. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. • Monday at 6:30 p.m.   

Holiday Office Hours

During the holiday season, our office will be closed on December 25 and January 1-2. However, we'll be open from December 26 to 29, welcoming you from 7:30 am to 12 pm. Please note that normal office operations will resume on January 3, 2024. If you have any urgent matters, feel free to reach out during our open hours. Wishing you a blessed holiday season!   

Special Seats for Your Family and Friends

What better gift could you get for your family and friends than seats in one of our special worship services? Good News of Great Joy will be shared many times in the next few days. Why not invite your friend or family member to join you in worshipping the King? We even have invitations you can give them. Look for the cards below in our narthex or ask an usher for a few to share. View and print your own if you are adventurous! View our Invitation

Thank You, New London and First State Bank

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our community and the support from First State Bank, we received a wonderful surprise. During First State Bank's recent School Donation campaign, new checking accounts were opened, and five of those who opened them chose Emanuel Lutheran School to receive a $20 donation each. A $100 check came our way! A huge thank you to our amazing community and First State Bank for making this possible.

MLC Graduate Assigned to Emanuel

Breaking News: This afternoon, the WELS Conference of Presidents assigned a Martin Luther College mid-year graduate to teach first grade at Emanuel. We will share more details as they become available to us. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, you heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 

Our Christmas Show and Tell - 3K/4K Christmas Service

If you weren't able to attend our 3K/4K Christmas service yesterday, it's not too late. Big thanks to everyone who contributed to making this worship service extra special!

Advent Evening Devotion - Wednesday, Dec 13

Join us for a peaceful Advent journey every Wednesday in December at 7:00 p.m. We'll gather to explore the true meaning of this season and prepare our hearts for Christmas. It's a serene and special time for reflection and prayer. Theme: "The Dear Christ Enters In...To Fearful Hearts that Need Peace - Luke 2:8-14 Don't miss this opportunity to find peace and meaning in this Advent season with us. 

Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year at Emanuel Lutheran School has begun! If you are a returning family, you already received instructions on how to enroll for next year via Fast Direct. If you are a member of Emanuel Lutheran Church and are interested in enrolling as a family new to our school, please stop in the school office and speak with Mrs. Kim Lodewegen. She will be able to assist you in filling out our simple application. Don't wait too long, as many classes are either at or near their capacity.   

Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: December 24, 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.

Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Eve Festival & Candlelight Services: Good News of Great Joy, A Savior Has Been Born “I bring you good news of great joy... A Savior has been born.” Think of what the angel’s statement means. If you believe you are basically a decent person—not perfect, but good enough—you can still enjoy the carols and appreciate the pretty lights. You can still relish giving presents and gathering with family. But you will not have “great joy” this Christmas. The angel said that the “good news of great joy” was the fact that “a Savior has been born.” One cannot truly celebrate Christmas unless one believes he needs salvation. Let us then use this night to acknowledge that we aren’t good enough people in God’s eyes. Sin lives in our hearts and permeates our lives. We need to be saved—from the guilt of that sin, from the power of the devil, and from eternal death. So, Jesus came to do just that—save us. So great was his love for us, that he left the throne of heaven,...

Forward Project Update: December 8 - "Glad Tidings"

This past week, the Forward Project leadership team was able to open bid packages for general construction and sub-contractor contracts. After months of working diligently with dozens of representatives from Groth Design Group (architects), Miron Construction (general contractor), and many other high-performing firms from across the state, we are glad to announce that the project is on budget and on schedule.  The scope of our project was approved by our voters in April 2023, to achieve as much of the project as possible within a budget of $6.2 million.  We have worked hard to achieve the goal Emanuel set and are pleased to report that the final bids have been received in a total budget range of  $5.9 - 6.0 million. A new report on the final project scope and pricing is available for you and will be reviewed at this weekend’s open forum. 

Coming This Weekend: PREPARE TO MEET HIM

Scriptures teach that King Jesus is the Son of God in flesh and the only hope for salvation. Jesus himself claimed that he is the only way into the glorious kingdom of heaven. You do not approach meeting someone like that casually or carelessly. You prepare meticulously. What does that mean? What does a life of readiness—ready to meet such a King—look like? In one word: repentance. If we insist on hanging onto our sins, how can we receive the One who came for the very purpose of taking those sins away?  Throughout history, God has raised up called servants—like John the Baptist—to preach a message of repentance. This repentance is central to our preparation for the Lord’s coming. Without repentance, the King’s coming only terrifies. But all those who believe and repent look forward to the coming of the King and the consummation of his everlasting kingdom. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. • Monday at 6:30 p.m.  ...

Coming This Weekend: Ladies Evening Circle Christmas Cookie-Candy-Canned Goods Sale

The Ladies Evening Circle is hosting a Christmas Cookie-Candy-Canned Goods Sale from December 9-11 in the church basement. This year, all the proceeds will go to support our fellow Emanuel member, Trent Kehl Jr., and his family. Trent is battling a serious autoimmune disease, and after being hospitalized for months, his health insurance got maxed out and canceled due to hefty medical bills. Let's come together and make a difference! The goal is to raise a substantial amount to help Trent with his medical expenses. Besides buying treats at the sale, there will be a donation box in the church basement where you can contribute directly to support Trent and his family. Your generosity can make a real impact in their lives. See you there!

Now is the Time to Invite...

 The holiday season provides a wonderful opportunity to extend invitations to our Advent and Christmas services. We have prepared invitations for you to share with friends, relatives, and neighbors. Please pick up these cards in the church narthex. Alternatively, you may choose to email the information directly. Get your digital invitations here.

Emanuel's Heartwarming Blanket Project: Spreading Christmas Joy Beyond the Classroom

A team of fantastic ladies in our congregation and Emanuel's student council members cut fabric, coordinated colors, and tied strips to craft 75 fleece tie blankets from 160 yards of fabric. As part of our unique Christmas tradition, Emanuel foregoes class gift exchanges. Instead, classrooms unite to spread the joy of Jesus in our community. The fruits of this year's labor—a total of 75 blankets, each accompanied by a devotion book and a card crafted by our younger students—will soon find their way to those at St. Joseph Residence. Keep an eye out for details on Christmas caroling, where we'll share these tokens of warmth with residents on our list in the coming weeks. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 EHV

Emanuel Lutheran School Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year

Enrollment at Emanuel Lutheran School for the 2024/2025 school year will be opening for current school families and members of Emanuel Lutheran Church on Monday, December 4. If you are a returning family, simply re-enroll or enroll your new children on Fast Direct. If your family will be new to Emanuel Lutheran School, please stop in the office for enrollment information. 

Advent Evening Devotion - Wednesday, Dec 6, 7 PM

Join us for a peaceful Advent journey every Wednesday in December at 7:00 p.m. We'll gather to explore the true meaning of this season and prepare our hearts for Christmas. It's a serene and special time for reflection and prayer. Theme: "The Dear Christ Enters In...To Troubled Minds that Need Answers" - Luke 1:19-25, 39-45 Don't miss this opportunity to find peace and meaning in this Advent season with us. 

Special Worship Services for Advent and Christmas

We invite you to join us for our special Advent and Christmas worship services. Please mark your calendars, or refer to our calendar : 🕯 Saturday, Dec 2, 5:15 pm, Sunday, Dec 3, 8 am & 10:30 am - First Sunday in Advent 🕯 Wednesday, Dec 6, 7 pm - Advent Evening Devotion 🕯 Saturday, Dec 9, 5:15 pm, Sunday, Dec 10, 8 am & 10:30 am - Second Sunday in Advent 🎄Sunday, Dec 10, 9:30 am - Early Childhood Christmas Service 🕯 Wednesday, Dec 13, 7 pm - Advent Evening Devotion 🕯 Saturday, Dec 16, 5:15 pm, Sunday, Dec 17, 8 am & 10:30 am - Third Sunday in Advent 🎄Sunday, Dec 17, 4 pm & 6:30 pm - Emanuel Children’s Christmas Service 🕯 Wednesday, Dec 20, 7 pm - Advent Evening Devotion 🎄Sunday, Dec 24, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm - Christmas Eve Festival 🎄Sunday, Dec 24, 6 pm & 8 pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight 🎄Monday, Dec 25, 9:30 am - Christmas Day Worship 🕇Saturday, Dec 30, 5:15 pm, Sunday, Dec 31, 8 am & 10:30 am - New Year’s Worship

Forward Project Update: December 1 - "Mark Your Calendars"

This weekend, we flip to the final month of our 2023 calendars. December is always a busy month in our homes and at our church, and this year it’s especially true for the Forward Project.  Final construction bids from our general contractor and several sub-contractors are set to be received on December 6. Our building committee and Coordinating Council will review those bids through the end of the week and present the results to the congregation in an open forum on December 10. This forum will allow anyone who attends to ask questions regarding the final scope, design, and pricing of the project, as well as opportunities to consider all the companies who will be doing the work. We’ll begin our Open Forum at Noon on Sunday, December 10, to provide ample discussion time for questions and concerns.  At the same time, the forum will be a great place to share the scope of work that we’re planning to accomplish ahead of construction starts. If you are interested in lending a hand (o...