
Showing posts from November, 2023

Coming This Weekend: HE IS COMING TO SAVE US

Rulers plan, administrate, and govern. They typically do not save. If your house is on fire, it will not be the mayor who shows up to save you from the flames. If America were attacked, the President would serve as the commander in chief of the armed forces. The President would not pick up a weapon, go to the front lines, and fight to save you from the enemy.  Jesus is different. He is both infinitely greater than all other rulers, yet also infinitely humbler. He does not consider it beneath his rank as King to risk his life for his subjects. He is willing to fight for us. He is willing to die for us. For King Jesus came into our world for one reason—to save us. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. • Monday at 6:30 p.m. 

Join Us This Advent and Christmas!

Our dedicated professional teams are at work, bringing the Christmas season to life. The Christmas tree is taking its place, a symbol of joy and hope in our church. Our pastors are meticulous in crafting sermons and carefully reviewing services to ensure a proper focus on the Lord Jesus. We're almost ready for this special season's joyous celebration. Join us in worship this Advent and Christmas. Download our Special Advent and Christmas Worship Schedule, or pick several up from our narthex to share with your friends, relatives, and neighbors. Learn More about Special Worship Download Worship Schedule

Forward Project Update: November 24 - "Giving Thanks"

Each Thanksgiving, we take time to count our many blessings. As we count up God’s great gifts to Emanuel, we want to say “thank you!” for the hundreds of gifts that are making our project possible. As of November 1, 2023, nearly $1.4M in pledges have been made to support the project. Of those pledges, almost $900,000 have already been received, and supported by nearly $500,000 in endowment funds. This means that $1,392,829 has been received for the Forward Project, with $486,623 in pledges still to come.  As we near the end of 2023, consider making a gift or commitment if you haven’t already. We’re at nearly 80% of our goal. Now is a great time to give thanks!  

Christmas JAM! Saturday, Dec. 16, 9-11 a.m.

All young children with their families are invited to Christmas JAM! (Jesus And Me) It is a wonderful morning to focus the eyes of our little ones on the Savior at this time when distractions are everywhere. Come and sing, read, snack, and celebrate the birth of our Savior! We will meet on Saturday, December 16, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the Emanuel Commons and gym. Come and Rejoice!

Coming This Weekend: A Time to Yearn for the End

Consider the Christian man whose body aches from both the cancer and the chemo. Look at that faithful old woman, back arched by time, fingers twisted by arthritis, eyes close to blindness. These believers may pray for death, precisely because they know that for the children of God, death is not the end of life. Death is the end of sorrow and pain. They yearn for the end of those things, and the beginning of their perfect eternity with Jesus. We have come to the end of the Church Year. It is time to talk about the end of this world on Judgment Day. That day does not scare the believer. The first time Christ came he saved us from our sin and the accusations of the devil. The second time Christ comes, he will save us from everything else. On that day, disease, gone. Abuse, gone. Heartache, gone. Even death is ended. None of those things will exist ever again. But we will exist forever with our Lord Jesus. Until then we live in the time in between. As we look at all Christ did at his first...

Ladies Evening Circle Christmas Cookie-Candy-Canned Goods Sale

The Ladies Evening Circle Christmas Cookie-Candy-Canned Goods Sale will be held December 9-11, in the church basement. 100% of the proceeds this year will be donated to Emanuel member, Trent Kehl Jr. and his family. Trent was diagnosed with a severe autoimmune disease called Granulomatosis and was hospitalized for several months. Due to the high medical costs, Trent’s health insurance was maxed out and canceled. The Ladies Evening Circle wants to raise a significant amount of money to assist Trent with his expenses. In addition to the sale proceeds, there will also be a donation box in the church basement for Trent and his family.

Harmony of the Season: Join Us for a Sacred Concert at St. Peter in Weyauwega on December 3

Prepare your hearts and minds for the holiday season with beautiful music. Come to St. Peter in Weyauwega (312 W. Main St.) on Sunday, December 3, for a sacred concert full of songs for Advent and Christmas. At 3:00, the school commons will open with refreshments, fellowship, and background music provided by SPL piano students. At 4:00, the concert will begin in the church sanctuary featuring pieces by choirs, handbells, and several other instruments. Some members of Emanuel's choir will be joining our St. Peter brothers and sisters in this concert. Bring friends and family to come enjoy the songs of the season.

Thanksgiving Worship

Join us for Thanksgiving Worship on Wednesday, November 22 at 7:00 p.m. or Thursday, November 23 at 9:30 a.m.

Mark Your Calendars: Emanuel K-8 Children's Christmas Service—Sunday, Dec 17, 4 & 6:30 PM

Be sure to join us for our Emanuel K-8 Children’s Christmas services on Sun, Dec. 17 at 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The children of our congregation will share the Christmas account in Bible recitations and songs. At Christmas we hear the familiar music and the Christmas account, taste the food, smell the lit candles, see the lavish adornments, and greet our family and friends. Our service focuses on how God speaks to us through the many visual symbols that he has given us through the ages to remind us of the history of his people, instruct us in his plan of salvation, support our understanding of his truths, and beautify our worship.

Forward Project Update: November 17 - “Preserving our Past”

As we get ready to renovate our church for the future, we are also working very hard to carefully take care of our congregation’s past. A new team of volunteers is overseeing the preservation of Emanuel’s historical artifacts and archives. Our renovation plans include the relocation of the well-loved statue of Jesus to the narthex gathering area, where the statue will be the centerpiece of a new devotional ‘chapel’ space, featured prominently as visitors arrive and especially during funeral visitations. Other artifacts, such as the 1921 baptismal font and the altar panel of the ‘Lord’s Supper,’ will be carefully relocated to a new ‘museum nook’ in the narthex stairway mezzanine. At the same time, a large collection of church records and photographs will be inventoried and prepared for display.   To preserve these important pieces, we are looking for volunteers to help in the preservation work, in addition to off-site storage and workspace as construction begins. If you are int...

Coming This Weekend: A Time for Faithful Service

As we wait for Christ to return, we are not to be sedentary. The reason Christ has not yet returned is that there is still work to be done. And Christ carries out his good work through us, his Church. So, until Christ comes again and says, “Stop!” believers will be busy with faithful service. Christ has given every believer gifts and talents. And when Christ entrusts us with those gifts and talents, he calls us to use them all for his glory. In the time between Christ’s first and second coming, we use everything the master has given us to live according to his will and to carry out his mission. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. • Monday at 6:30 p.m. 

JAM (Jesus and Me) Time! This Friday, Nov. 17, 8:15 a.m.

Come and join us! We are excited to begin JAM (Jesus and Me) Time! for the fall! All young families are invited to join us this Friday morning from 8:15-9:15am in the Emanuel Commons and Gym. Please use doors 2 and 3 in the horseshoe parking lot off of Quincy St. We will focus our minds and hearts on Jesus and get our bodies "JAMming" with crafts and movement! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors!     

Gratitude Spotlight: Lions Club Vision Screening

A big shoutout to our incredible local Lions Club for the fantastic vision screening they provided for our entire student body today. Your dedication to our community's well-being truly shines through. The screening covered it all - refractive errors, astigmatism, amblyopia, and more. While automated screening is a great start, the Lions Club emphasized the importance of a full eye exam by specialists for a thorough check. Parents, if the summary suggests a follow-up, don't hesitate to schedule that eye exam pronto. Early detection is key, and the Lions Club's attention to potential issues like Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration is spot-on. For those not familiar, the Lions Club is a global Service Club with a heart for our local community. Their 1.3 million members in 208 countries are all about helping friends and neighbors. Let's show our support!  Thank you, New London Lions Club, for your time, generosity, and dedication to our students' well-being. Here's t...

In Case You Missed It: Emanuel Honors Our Veterans

We thank the Lord for our veterans. We thank our veterans for their service.  The Lord is my rocky cliff, my stronghold, and my deliverer. My God is my rock. I take refuge in him. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high fortress, my refuge, and my savior. You save me from violence. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. 2 Samuel 22:2-4 

Farewell for Mrs. Rodrigue This Sunday

This Sunday, November 19, we say "farewell" to our first-grade teacher, Mrs. Emily Rodrigue. Mrs. Rodrigue's husband, Pastor Rodrigue of Grace, Sugar Bush, has accepted a Divine Call to serve at our WELS congregation in Burlington, WI. We know that the Rodrigues will be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in Burlington when they move there at Thanksgiving time. Kindergarten and first-grade students are singing in the 8 a.m. service, and all are welcome to join us in wishing Mrs. Rodrigue God's blessings following that service. This is a cupcake reception in the narthex as well as a box for cards and "thank yous" for Mrs. Rodrigue's years of faithful service at Emanuel. Please consider joining us.

Forward Project Update: November 10 - "Safe and Sound”

  Last week, we updated Emanuel that to stay within our proposed project budget, we need to eliminate two components of our original plan: an East addition and new skylights in the narthex. A fair follow-up would be, “Where will the cost savings of these cuts be going?”  The ceiling of our sanctuary is covered in cellulose acoustic tiles which are beginning to ‘de-laminate’ from the plaster behind them. That 100-year-old plaster is itself also beginning to fail in some places (especially under the balcony and above the altar).  A third challenge is that the adhesive which binds the tile to the plaster contains asbestos. To keep our sanctuary safe for a century to come, the ceiling will require a major overhaul.  Additionally,  our air conditioning system is 40 years old. The plan to replace this entire system with high-efficiency units (instead of short-term upgrades) will reduce energy costs by more than thirty percent, saving us thousands of dollars in operati...

Coming This Weekend: A Time for Watchfulness

Imagine you are planning to take the family out to dinner. You all have to wait for someone to get ready. Minute after minute passes. What can happen in that situation? It is easy to focus on something else and completely forget the original goal. When that family member is finally ready, you’ve become immersed in a movie. Or perhaps, as you were waiting, you grew drowsy and fell asleep. As we wait for Christ to return, as day after day passes, it can be easy to get distracted, lose vigilance, to become spiritually drowsy. God forbid that Christ should return and find us spiritually asleep. Today we are reminded that the time in between Christ’s first and second coming is a time for watchfulness. The Church prayers, “Lord God, keep us ever watchful for the coming of your Son that we may sit with him and all your holy ones at the marriage feast in heaven.” Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. • Monday at 6:30 p.m. 

Thank You, Pizza Volunteers

 On Saturday, Nov 4, Emanuel volunteers created over 6,300 pizzas for our annual fundraiser. We could not have done this without you. Thank You!

JAM (Jesus and Me) Time! This Friday, Nov. 10, 8:15 a.m.

Get ready for an exciting gathering this upcoming Friday – it's JAM Time! We extend a warm invitation to all young families to join us on November 10, kicking off at 8:15 AM in the lively Emanuel Commons and gymnasium. You can enter through doors 2 and 3, conveniently situated in the horseshoe parking lot off Quincy St. This event promises a blend of spiritual connection with Jesus and the exhilaration of creative crafts and physical movement – a true "JAMming" experience! Feel free to bring along friends, family, and neighbors for an even more enjoyable time. We can't wait to see you there!  

First Grader Avacyn Kuehl Wins National First Place AMVETS Flag Contest

Avacyn Kuehl, one of our first-grade students, has secured the first-place award in the AMVETS National Americanism Flag contest for the kindergarten category. This achievement marks a significant milestone as the first time in recent memory that a student from New London has clinched this prestigious national honor. The award presentation ceremony occurred yesterday in the Emanuel Lutheran School commons, before Avacyn's enthusiastic classmates. New London AMVETS Post 45 Commander Armin Conradt presented the award, adding a special touch to this remarkable event. Avacyn entered the contest as a kindergarten student last year and recently won at the post and state levels, moving her work onto the national level. Emanuel Lutheran Church and School wholeheartedly congratulates Avacyn Kuehl on her outstanding achievement and wishes her the Lord’s richest blessings on her creative endeavors. Photos include Avacyn Kuehl, her parents Taylor & Ashley Kuehl, and AMVETS Post 45 Commande...

Annabelle Powell from Williamsburg, VA visits Fourth Grade

We had a fantastic time today when Mrs. Annabelle Powell came to visit our fourth graders. She shared some incredible insights about life in Colonial America and how it was different from our community today. It's always amazing to learn about history and how things have changed. We thank Miss Cris Ladwig for her authentic portrayal of Mrs. Powell.

Veterans Show Us How to Fold the Flag

Big shoutout to our awesome friends at the New London AMVETS Post 45 and Commander Armin Conradt! They swung by to teach our fourth graders how to fold the American flag - just in time for Veterans' Day.

Weekly Update - Week of 11/6/2023

Good morning everyone, Here is your update for the coming week: -Tiger Cub Care Sign-Up Please sign up for your care needed for the weeks of November 13-24. We do not have school the 22nd through the 24th due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Give thanks for all the Lord has given you! Link: -Important Dates Link: -School Health We are continuing to hold steady with school health and do not have any major pockets of illness at the moment. Keep up the good work! -Pizza Fundraiser Thank-You Thank you SO much to everyone who volunteered to make pizzas on Saturday! That is an enormous undertaking every year, and we could not do it without you, whether you are a student, parent, relative, staff member, or congregation member. Congratulations to our top three sellers as well; they received a special prize basket, including a custom E...

Forward Project Update: November 3 - “Plans Changed, Goals Kept”

  This past week, we received the completed construction drawings for our renovation project. This is a major milestone in the schedule, and it gives us new estimates for the cost of the work.  To stay on budget, the proposed East addition and new skylights in the narthex will not be part of the project at this time. We saw that these are important options to consider in the future, but they do not fit in the current budget. With these adjustments, the project is still ‘on budget’ for the $6.2 million, approved by Emanuel voters last spring. The scope of the project will include: Full sanctuary renovation of ceiling, flooring, and furnishings Full mechanical, heating/cooling, and electrical upgrades Enhanced narthex gathering space New pipe organ and acoustics Rooms for parents and ushers Renovated youth ministry space and basement dining hall Fully accessible bathrooms, including a bride’s room and caregiver lounge

Mark Your Calendars: Advent Evening Prayer Services

Join us for a peaceful Advent journey every Wednesday in December at 7:00 p.m. We'll gather on the 6th, 13th, and 20th to explore the true meaning of this season and prepare our hearts for Christmas. This year's theme is "The Dear Christ Enters In." It's a serene and special time for reflection and prayer. Here's a glimpse of what to expect: Dec 6: "To Troubled Minds that Need Answers" - Luke 1:19-25, 39-45 Dec 13: "To Fearful Hearts that Need Peace" - Luke 2:8-14 Dec 20: "To Aging Eyes that Need Light" - Luke 2:27-32 Don't miss this opportunity to find peace and meaning in this Advent season with us.  

Coming This Weekend: A Time to Focus on Future Glory

Childbearing is an excruciating process. Yet each day countless women, wanting a baby, willingly become pregnant. This shows that pain can be endured if we know it is temporary and that happier times come immediately after. Likewise, the time in between Christ’s first and second coming is going to be full of hardship, especially for believers. How do we bear it? We remember that this is temporary. Happier times are coming! That truth is made crystal clear on this All Saints’ Day. On this day we remember every saint who has gone before us—all those who had faith in the Lamb of God: the heroes of faith in Scripture; our faithful Christian family members, now fallen asleep. They all endured hardship and pain. But no more. Now they enjoy perfect glory, peace, and joy. As we journey through this time in between, how do we endure? We remember all the saints. We focus on the future glory that waits for us. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. &...