
Showing posts from July, 2023

Coming This Week: The Christian Seeks Spiritual Wealth

THE CHRISTIAN SEEKS SPIRITUAL WEALTH What do you consider your life’s priorities? If you made a list, what would be near the top? Faith, family, and friends would probably head the lists of many. Financial security and health would be right up there. Reputation and recreation would likely make the cut. But perhaps a more interesting question than “What do you consider your life’s priorities?” is “Which of the items on that list would you be willing to sacrifice to save your top priority?” What if you had to give up the whole list—family, friends, finances, health, reputation, recreation—to save just one priority: faith? This week we are given an honest assessment of what really matters in life. The kingdom is worth everything. Worldly wealth can buy the things of this world, the type of things that rust and decay, things that will not last. True wealth is spiritual wealth. It can be found only in God and his eternal blessings for us in Christ. The Christian seeks first spiritual wealth...

Preparing for our Campus Transformation

Our design and construction committees are hard at work finalizing construction documents in an effort to have bids ready for review by October for our FORWARD campus transformation. With a goal of construction beginning in April 2024, our dedicated volunteer committees are busy behind the scenes. If you’re looking for a way to get involved, you’re in luck! This fall, we’re looking for volunteers to help clean up storage spaces and begin planning for relocated worship services. Contact a FORWARD committee member or Pastor Tiefel if you’re willing to help. 

Coming This Week: The Christian Lives as Wheat Among Weeds

THE CHRISTIAN LIVES AS WHEAT AMONG WEEDS The wheat that grows in the Middle East is a variety that looks much like wild grass or weeds. It is difficult to tell wheat and weeds apart until shortly before harvest time when the wheat stalks develop a head containing the kernels of grain. Try and pull the weeds out of a wheat field and you will likely pull up a fair amount of wheat accidentally. So you need to wait for the harvest to separate wheat from weeds. This week Jesus uses that image to illustrate life on this side of heaven. Christians are pictured as wheat planted by the Lord. Evil and unbelieving evildoers are pictured as weeds. We might want God to take care of evil now—to pull up all the weeds. But he tells us to wait for the harvest. God is going to fix the problem of evil in this world, but it might not be today or even tomorrow. What does God want us to do while we wait? He wants us to live like wheat among weeds, serving the purpose for which he planted us. That means bein...

Financial Update for Moving FORWARD

We are so grateful for the continued support of the FORWARD project. This spring, voters passed three key issues that allowed our committees to continue their work on the renovation project. This recognition of the need for updated space and the belief that our congregation will be able to financially sustain these updates was inspiring and has renewed our energy and focus in ensuring this is a space everyone can worship for many generations. The project budget has been set at $6.2 million and the terms of our project loan have been secured, though no funds have yet been borrowed. We have been blessed with $1.2 million in gifts to date. If you want to learn more about the project or make a gift, contact Pastor Tiefel at 920-982-5444.

JAM in the Sand! — Wednesday, July 19

All families are invited to join us at Hatten Park for JAM in the Sand! 'Jesus and Me' is geared toward children aged 5 and under. During the summer, siblings are encouraged to come! We will have a devotion, a story, and time to play and visit for children and adults! JAM in the Sand! will be held June 13 and 20, July 11 and 19, and August 9 from 10:30-11:30am. This is a wonderful opportunity to surround yourself and your children with Jesus and His great creation! Bring your family, friends, and neighbors!

Coming This Week: The Christian is Planted by the Word

THE CHRISTIAN IS PLANTED BY THE WORD Planting seed by hand can seem magical. In your hand, the seed looks insignificant and lifeless. Yet you put the seed into the soil, and the natural process of life begins. All by itself, the seed germinates and sprouts and reaches to the sun. Except when it doesn’t! Plant multiple seeds and often only some, perhaps just a small amount, will sprout. As these few sprouts grow, birds and pests and weeds and weather attack. The reality is that once the seed leaves your hand, you are at the mercy of forces beyond your control. Today, God uses that experience from nature to explain the supernatural process by which God calls humans to faith through the gospel. The Christian is planted by the Word. The Christian can plant the seed of the gospel into the soil of another’s heart. What happens after that is completely beyond our control. Yet God promises us that his Word always accomplishes his good purposes. God’s Word is powerful, all on its own, without o...

Moving our Campus FORWARD

Now that summer is in full swing, it’s a great time to get updated on our Forward campaign in preparation for a busy fall. We’ve been so grateful for your support- through financial commitments, prayers, encouragement, and participation in the renovation. The biggest announcement we have at this time is that construction is now set to begin in April 2024. This extension to our original plan allows us to ensure more stable lead times in securing materials and also to coordinate campus activities to better suit our needs. Rather than relocating worship during both Christmas and Easter, we are expecting the most disruption during slower times in our calendar year. We look forward to providing additional updates as they develop. In the meantime, you can learn how to get involved with the FORWARD project by contacting Pastor Tiefel. 

JAM in the Sand! — Tuesday, July 11

All families are invited to join us at Hatten Park for JAM in the Sand! 'Jesus and Me' is geared toward children aged 5 and under. During the summer, siblings are encouraged to come! We will have a devotion, a story, and time to play and visit for children and adults! JAM in the Sand! will be held June 13 and 20, July 11 and 19, and August 9 from 10:30-11:30am. This is a wonderful opportunity to surround yourself and your children with Jesus and His great creation! Bring your family, friends, and neighbors!

FORWARD Campaign Update

Great news! After much anticipation, voters have approved three critical votes to move forward with the renovation and expansion project for our beloved campus. The budget for this ambitious project is set at $6.2 million, with an impressive $1.2 million already received in gifts. Construction is slated to commence in April 2024, ensuring stable lead times and coordination of all activities around busy days such as Easter and Christmas. The design and construction committees are working diligently towards final documents by August, with bids ready for review by October. This is a remarkable opportunity for devoted volunteers to help in the clean-up of storage spaces or the setup of worship services temporarily relocated from the sanctuary. Continued support through prayers, encouragement, participation, and financial commitments is critical for the success of this vital renovation.  Let's all come together and continue supporting our community to bring about a brighter future for o...

Coming This Week: The Christian Finds Rest in Jesus

THE CHRISTIAN FINDS REST IN JESUS Without rest, we suffer. Studies show that after 36 hours without sleep, most people will experience extreme fatigue and hormonal imbalances, resulting in decreased attention, poor decisions, and even speech impairment. Other studies show if someone takes no breaks during their workday, their productivity is lower than those who do take periodic breaks. We need rest. Christians know they need more than sleep or breaks. We need more than physical rest. We need spiritual rest. The Christian knows that the only place to find that type of rest is Jesus. Jesus provides more than a pause in work, more than enjoyable recreation. Jesus provides the removal of our sins, the cleansing of our guilty conscience, and a gentle new yoke of discipleship. In Jesus, the Christian finds rest from his burdens, rest from his battles, and rest forever in heaven. Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 pm, Sunday at 8 am & 10:30 am, or Monday at 6:30 pm...