
Showing posts from May, 2022

No Memorial Day Worship


LIE #8: “God Is Distant and Disinterested in What Happens”

  Deism is the view that God created the world but then removed himself from its operation, like a clockmaker who creates the clock but then lets it run on its own. In other words, deists believe God is not directly involved in this world, but deists aren’t the only ones who think this way. Because of the suffering that exists, many people—and at times this even applies to us—think that God is distant and disinterested. They think he doesn’t really care about the evil that exists. So, does God care? The goal of this lesson is to show not only that God does care for this world but that he is deeply interested in each one of us.  Come, join us on Sunday, May 22 at 9:15 AM.

Spring Piano Recital...See What You Missed


LIE #7: “It Doesn’t Matter How God Made the World”

  The Darwinian theory of evolution popularized the idea that God did not create the world. Despite the hundreds of references to creation in the Bible, even Christians have questioned whether it’s necessary to believe that God created the world in six 24-hour days. However, if one were to take this line of thinking to its theological conclusion, the veracity of all of Scripture would be in doubt. So does it matter? This lesson will help us answer with a definitive “Yes!”  Come, join us on Sunday, May 15 at 9:15 AM.

Usher's Meeting - Sun, May 22, 9:15am

Calling all volunteers! Emanuel needs ushers! Whether you have served for many years or you're interested in volunteering for the first time, all are invited to a training meeting next Sunday, May 22, between services. Older students are especially encouraged to serve alongside adults! Hope to see many familiar and NEW faces at the meeting! Questions? Contact Worship Director Kate Tiefel at 920-982-5444, x. 145.

Called Worker Farewell

Join us on Sunday, May 22, at the 10:30 AM service, as we give thanks to God for the called workers who will be leaving their roles at Emanuel at the end of this school year. The school children are invited to sing a song in the service and we will enjoy a reception in the church narthex immediately following the service. Boxes will be available for cards and gifts. We hope many join us to wish farewell to these servants of the church: Cris Ladwig - Retiring after 40 years Lynn Schmidt - Accepted a divine call to teach at Trinity Lutheran School, Minocqua WI Sarah Jandron - Accepted a divine call to teach at Immanuel Lutheran School, Greenville, WI Crystal Kesting - Accepted a divine call to teach at Neenah Lutheran School, Neenah, WI

LIE #6: “A God of Love Wouldn’t Send People to Hell”

  The logic goes this way: If God is loving, then the concept of eternal suffering for temporal sin is incompatible with his character. That would make God a monstrous God. It seems logical, but it is not biblical. Nor is it truly logical, as we shall see. We will explore the dangerous ramifications of this lie and provide a biblical rationale to use as an answer when someone states this lie.   Come, join us on Sunday, May 8 at 9:15 AM.