
Showing posts from March, 2022

Palm Sunday - April 10, 2022 at 10:30 AM

  Children aged 3 to sixth grade and their parents are invited to join in a procession with palm branches at the start of our 10:30 AM worship service on Palm Sunday. We'll walk into church waving our palms and then the Sunday School children will share a special song of praise. If you'd like your child to participate, please make sure they attend Sunday School over the next few weeks to learn the song (9:15 AM in the Commons). All children will be given a palm branch to take home! Hosanna to the King!

CAMM Dresses for Zambia and Malawi

Our Lutheran Women's Missionary Society (LWMS) of Emanuel recently sewed 61 dresses for young girls, ages infant to teens, in Zambia and Malawi, Africa. These countries are part of the Central Africa Medical Missions or CAMM.  There were many volunteers who helped with this project from beginning to end, including Heather Sulzle and her 59 art class students. Her students made yarn/plastic canvas crosses so that each dress had a cross in its pocket to remind each young girl of their Savior’s love for them. The project started with many donations of fabric, lace, bias tape, elastic, and thread. We had a workday to cut the fabric and other items to size. A ‘kit’ was then made for each dress and placed into a Ziploc bag along with directions. Many volunteers and LWMS members took kits home to sew and in a very short time, they were all sewn. Some women enjoyed it so much they came back to get even more kits to sew!  Everyone remarked how cute the dresses turned out and said they ...

Open Forum—Sunday, March 27 9:15 AM

We are having an open forum on Sunday, March 27 beginning at 9:15 AM in church (in place of our normal Sunday morning Bible study). As Pastor Heiges tells us in the March edition of our Forward Focus series, we'll be discussing the voting process, timeline, and next steps in the renovation process. Please come.  

Wednesday Lent Office Hours

Emanuel will be adjusting its WEDNESDAY office hours during Lent to 7:30am - 3:30pm. All other business days will continue as usual: 7:30am - 4:30pm. Thank you.

7th Grade PSI Tonight!

Mr. Jack VandeGuchte is back! There WILL be 7th grade PSI this evening - March 9. Thank you!

10 Lies About God: “God Wants Me to Be Happy”

Join us this Sunday as we begin a new Bible Study,  10 Lies About God . Sunday mornings between services (9:15-10:15 AM) we'll explore some common lies that our world tells us are true, but God himself refutes in his Word. There are many versions of the lie “God wants me to be happy.” For example: “God wants me to be rich”; or “God wouldn’t want me to rush into marriage so I’ll live with my significant other”; or “God wouldn’t deny me these feelings I have for someone of the same sex”; and on and on. Usually, the person saying this phrase is trying to justify a sin that God condemns. It sounds cruel to say, “God doesn’t want me to be happy!” Well then, what does God want for me? Come, find out.

Crossroads Youth Group Canceled

Crossroads Youth Group is canceled through Easter, April 17, 2022. Mr. VG is on the mend but needs more time to get back on his feet. Watch for more details about future events. SOAR will continue as scheduled.

An Update from Ukraine

 WELS Ukraine liaison Rev. Roger Neumann has been able to maintain regular contact with leaders from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), WELS’ sister church body. As of Tuesday morning, Neumann is reporting that so far the members there remain physically unharmed. However, all but 2 of the 17 congregations, comprising approximately 600 members, are in the direct line of the Russian advance. Two of the pastors have been cut off from communication. Many were able to hold online or in-person worship during the invasion on Sunday morning. Neumann reports, “There’s a lot of fear, mixed with anger and bewilderment, as to why this is happening. They are very encouraged by the international support; very encouraged by the prayers of WELS people that are going out.” According to Neumann, some members have been able to flee the country. However, at this time, all Ukrainian men between ages 18 and 60 are required to remain to defend their country as needed. The people who have stayed are ta...

SPECIAL EVENT: The Lutheran Ceili Orchestra—March 13


Lent Weekend Worship


Wednesday Office Hours During Lent

Emanuel will be adjusting its WEDNESDAY office hours during Lent to 7:30am - 3:30pm.  All other business days will continue as usual:  7:30am - 4:30pm.  Thank you.

Schedule Change—NO Crossroads, SOAR, or Gr 7 PSI

We had to cancel this week's Crossroads, SOAR, and seventh grade PSI for this week. Please watch for more information about next week's schedule.

Midweek Lenten Devotions begin March 2, Ash Wednesday

We invite you to join us for our midweek lenten devotions. These brief, reflective services bring extra opportunities to learn the love of Jesus. Each Wednesday, we’ll study the “Crucial Hours” of Jesus' Passion. Wednesdays 3:30 & 7 PM † March 2 — April 6 The 3:30 PM service will be streamed on Facebook Live. The radio broadcast will air at 7:00 PM on WJMQ 92.3 FM. Lenten suppers will be served in the church basement from 4 - 6:30 PM.

Starting Point Bible Class

Last Tuesday in Starting Point we answered the question: “How do we know there is a God?”  Everyone knows that there is a “god” through the natural knowledge of God.  We see that there is a “god” through nature and our conscience.  In nature, we see that God is wise, powerful, and loving.  Through our conscience, we see that our relationship with God is broken.  It is only in the Bible that God reveals Himself to us.  The Bible reveals to us that He is wise, loving, forgiving, and desires a relationship with you.   This evening, we will be learning about our roots, and answer the when, how, where, and why questions of our existence.  We are not here by chance, but God created us as His crown of creation. No worries if you didn’t make the first session.  Feel free to come and join us this evening at 6:30 pm in the Community Room.  This class will also be available on Facebook Live as well.  Come!  Invite! & Enjoy!